You're Looking to Create a Beautiful Online Presence that Attracts and Onboards Dream Clients, Practically on Autopilot

Petpreneur, You're In The Right Place

Most pet business owners have so much on their plates with the day to day running of their business, the last thing they want to do after caring for pets all day is spend hours more on their marketing. They just don’t have the time, energy or inclination to learn all it takes to create a beautiful brand and high converting website.

So we’ve created courses and memberships to make it easy for pet business owners to attract and onboard premium clients, without having to get a degree in marketing.

This empowers pet business owners to work less hours for appreciative clients who pay them what they’re worth. All while they are out doing what they do best, caring for the pets they love.

Meet Lesley Huntley

Founder of Pet Biz BluePrints

Following a significant health scare 8 years ago, I decided to finally start my heart business, walking dogs outside in nature and caring for cats in their own homes. This was after 10 years of selling my own products online and helping small business owners with their print and digital marketing.

Something I noticed when connecting with other Petpreneurs over the past few years (via online groups and in person), was that the vast majority of us are totally overwhelmed. Many pet business owners were unprepared for the sheer number of hats they needed to wear to run a successful pet business.

Pet Biz BluePrints was born out of a deep desire to help pet business owners bring peace back into their lives.

To empower you to maintain a high-converting online presence that attracts and onboards premium clients. To help you build a beautiful brand that speaks directly to the people you deserve to work with, with pets you adore. To put systems in place so you don’t even need to think about it all anymore.

I’m looking forward to providing you with the knowledge required to put the very best marketing systems and processes in place, with the least possible time and effort. This will ensure you always have a steady stream of potential clients reaching out to you, freeing up your precious time and enabling you to offer the best possible support for the pets you love.

Success Stories

DOWNLOAD NOW: The Top Five Things Successful Pet Care Professionals Get Right

Learn the Top Five Strategies Successful Pet Business Owners Do Differently. 

Find out the most important changes to make that will empower you to work less hours, make more money and have more time to spend with friends and family.

FREE FILLABLE PLAYBOOK: The Top Five Things Successful Pet Care Professionals Get Right

Learn the top five strategies successful pet business owners get right to empower them to work less hours, make more money and have more time to spend with friends and family.

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