Effortlessly Attract and Onboard Dream Clients into Your Pet Business

Scale and grow the pet business of your dreams while working less, earning more and enjoying more time off to relax and regenerate.

Attract dream clients that pay you what you’re worth, value your skills, tip well and sing your praises to anyone who will listen.

Stand out from the growing competition and position yourself as market leader.

Save Hours of Time

Onboard Effortlessly

Sell Without "Selling"

Grow Your Business

You're in the Right Place if Any of This Resonates With You:

What if You Had Access to Everything You Needed to Attract, Nurture and Smoothly Onboard Dream Clients?

Pet Business Owner, we’ve got you with that.

Get access to any of the following courses and memberships individually or:

The Pet Care Pro Report

Attract, Nurture and Turn Dream Clients into Raving Fans with a Beautiful, Professionally Written Newsletter.

We provide everything you need to quickly and easily create pet industry newsletters that are captivating, engaging, get opened and shared.

The Pet Brand Blueprint

What if You Had Everything You Needed to Create a Stunning Pet Brand that Connects With Your Ideal Client, Enhances Your Credibility and Gives You a Competitive Edge in an Increasingly Crowded Market?

Have your branding done in as little as the next 60 minutes, without the enormous development cost, or trying to go it alone while continuing to attract clients that don’t align with your values or appreciate your worth

The Pet Care Content Toolkit

Never Stare at a Blank Screen Wondering What to Post to Attract Dream Clients into Your Business Again.

Get access to all the content and templates you need to attract, onboard and turn visitors into raving fans who love you and sing your praises.

I Know What it Feels Like to Try and Find the Time to Do Everything Yourself.

My day job is running a Dog Adventure company here in New Zealand. However, for 10 years previous, I helped business owners with their marketing.

When I first started my pet care company, due to having a background in website design and marketing, I became very busy, very quickly. Within 6 months I went from 0 clients to working 364 days a year caring for pets. This went on for 6 years.

Two years ago I completely overhauled my business and these holidays, I spent 10 days away camping with my children.

I’m passionate about helping you set up systems and processes so you too can make more money while working less hours in your pet business.

Lesley Huntley


Ok Lesley, I'm In. What Happens Now?



…how we can help you, either with a done-for-you or DIY option and make your purchase, here or at Pet Biz Studio



…for any of our services, courses or memberships here or at Pet Biz Studio website and receive an immediate response



You will receive an email with next steps for services or gain access to our member’s area immediately for courses

Success Stories from Design Clients

DOWNLOAD NOW: The Top Five Things Successful Pet Care Professionals Get Right

Learn the Top Five Strategies Successful Pet Business Owners Do Differently. 

Find out the most important changes to make that will empower you to work less hours, make more money and have more time to spend with friends and family.

FREE FILLABLE PLAYBOOK: The Top Five Things Successful Pet Care Professionals Get Right

Learn the top five strategies successful pet business owners get right to empower them to work less hours, make more money and have more time to spend with friends and family.

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